Saturday, January 16, 2021

Still searching for conversation prints dimilar to 1870-1890s printe

 Lately Andover Yarra Valley  and Watts River lines have had wonderful shirtings with bunnies, dogs, horses. Each in three color ways. 

Edyta Sitar has included buckets or birds in her recent releases. 

Still wishing that a line of conversational prints would be released like in 2008: Judie Rothermel and Marcus Brothers and RJR Antique conversationals were spectacular. 

I have found some older fabrics by Judie Rothermel and RJR over the last couple of months. Thank goodness for the internet!

Judie Rothermel
Judie Rothermel Classic Images (from Schoolhouse Quilts)

RJR Antique Conversationals

And another from Judie Rothermel and Marcus Bros.

Searching for these on the internet has helped get through "staying at home".


Susan said...

Once upon a time, I had all of those. I also would like to see another wonderful line and colors like that!

Vivian Oaks said...

I was reading through your changes you made to your Americana quilt when your hubby was in the Air Force and was surprised when I saw the last maiden name is Calkins, so very close!! My brother was in the Air Force, as was my Uncle-retired a Major. My brother served during Vietnam. Thank you so much for your service!!

Maria said...

Meu glorioso São José nos abençoe o nosso Brasil são tem piedade dos dessempregado e todos os moradores de rua Amèm

Susan said...

Did you see Barbara Brackman's post about her new Ladies' Legacy coming in March? Here you can find photos of the fabrics to see if any suit what you are looking to find - or did you want only vintage ones?

Szybkie Kasyna said...

Thanks for your dedication and hard work in writing this blog