Saturday, February 22, 2014

Marie's Optical Illusion Quilt, Rule Release 13

I am happy to have finished Rule Release 13.    The rule for this block is that it must have 3 tones or values of the same color.  Well, that a great rule for an optical illusion quilt.  There was no technique given.

I found the pattern for this block at  It is called a Small Stellated Dodecahedron.  The pattern is well-done--it fit together perfectly and I think it's a great addition to my quilt.

Here is the column made from blocks 11, 12 and 13 (however, not in that order.)

This is what the quilt looks like now.  It's getting harder to get a good picture of it.  It certainly is a unique quilt, as are all the other quilts in this mystery quilt challenge.  Just one more row and then it will be ready for the borders.


dq said...

You outdid yourself on this one. That block just totally pops!! It might be my favorite, but that may only be because it is new. Your quilt is absolutely stunning and unique. I love the quilt label at the bottom.

I still LOVE the houses even though you are not sure about them.

Moira said...

Absolutely stunning work on that block! The quilt is gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you do next.. Almost makes me want to pull out the rules and make another quilt with them.

Betty C said...

Congratulations on putting all those clues into such an awsome creation. Your quilt is really over the top. I can't wait to see what you do next.