Monday, August 3, 2015

Cathy - Stars and Flags Completed

First of all, a big thank you to Deana for being so understanding about me not getting my blog post done Friday! :)  I did get the row finished but had a bit of "sewing area" disaster and just couldn't do the post. 

That being said, here is the row I finished on Friday...

These stars were so much fun to make but they took several evenings of sewing to get done.  Saturday was spent fixing the sewing area, but Sunday I put together the flags...

They are so cute!!!  And who knew I had a big 'ol gaping hole in my stash?!?  I saw this pattern, thought, oh, no problem, went stash diving, red and white stripes!  How is that even possible??  I'm tell ya....big.  Gaping.  Hole.

So this row did require a trip to the fabric store.  But now I'm set! Bring it on, Deana!  :)


dq said...

I can't believe how much I have loved seeing the Fireworks row done in a busy starry background. Yours is gorgeous!

Yep, those red/white stripes are a find.

dq said...

P.S. I have worked with you enough to know that when you say you have something done, you do. It is fun to see them. I hope you found a new table to sew on and your disaster is solved.

Cathy said...

*hugs* thanks Sweetie. I'm in my new and improved and better than ever sewing area. I move at the end of September and I'll have a "sewing room" so that is something I'm looking forward to.

Anonymous said...

I really like the way your two rows look together. What great fabrics you've chosen.

Lara B. said...

Cathy I love you fireworks stars too - as well as the flags and hearts! Glad you got your sewing area fixed up better than ever.